have hated the stock horn sound since the first time I tried using it. It sounds like a '69 VW Beetle and does not command much attention on the road. I use my horn a lot. It is one of my main survival tools on the road. I need the horn to draw attention to me right away. To that end I decided to add a cowbell horn in addition to the stock horn. The stock horn has a high note and the cowbell horn has a low note. Together they provide the much desired sound that gets people to acknowledge my presence right away.

I must say that I am not too crazy about the looks of the cowbell horn on the left side of the engine. It covers up too much of the engine in my opinion and is too "Big Harley" looking. I do not necessary want my Sportster to look like an overweight chrome tank. But it does function well. I have never had anyone not know where the sound came from when I sounded that horn. So I am leaving it on for now. At some point I will figure out another solution and will take the cowbell down to expose those gorgeous jugs.
The cowbell horn kit from Harley comes pretty much complete and includes a relay as well as a new choke cable bracket to share space with the horn. I added some wiring so as to keep the original horn as well as the cowbell. I wanted that dual note sound. I think it is more about the quality of the sound rather than the actual loudness that gets people to pay attention.